It's October 1st! That means it's time for Vegan Mofo III...Vegan Month of Food 2009. For a complete list of participating blogs
click here.

I don't have anything special planned besides the usual...vegan bentos and recipes. I'll try to limit the kid pics this month, but it'll be tough! I don't usually talk much about veganism in general, so maybe I'll interject a few of my thoughts for the occasion.

Ryan's lunch: smiling
rice triangle; mini gel
cup; ginger asparagus;
roasted almonds; a
Thermos of
leek soup.
The boys all brought
granola bars for snacks.

I buy the tiny gel cups
our local Korean
market. They are usually
made with carrageenan
or agar instead of gelatin.
So freaking cute! I really need to get me one of those.
That is awesome! I bet all the other kids are well jealous. YAY for cool vegan mums!
Happy Mofo'ing!
All food should smile at you like that! :-)
Happy MoFo!
I didn't see you on the VeganMofo list River?!
This is has nothing to do with this post, but was wondering if you have gone to the new Korean market out in Burlington, H-Mart. I remember your previous post about loving kimchee and this store has an whole aisle devoted to it!
An H-Mart in Burlington, MA? I'll have to look into it!
Yea, I didn't enter MoFo this year. I'll be lucky to get one or two Halloweegan posts in by the end of the month! *LAZY*
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