Trekkie geek mama. I've
been vegan for 17 years,
veg for 6 years before that.
I like being outside, and
playing Roller Coaster
Tycoon (because I get
motion sickness quicker
than anyone I've ever met).
If you need to know more
about me, I spent a whole
month doing weekly posts
about myself earlier this year here, here, here & here to satisfy people's curiosity. My favourite films list has probably grown, but otherwise not much changes in my repetitive life!
my husband:
in '97 at a Magic Pro Tour.
We got married at Star
Trek: The Experience in
Las Vegas 5 years later.
He plays/designs/sells
games for a living. He has
a weakness for fruit
desserts...okay, ALL
desserts. When we met he'd
eat ANYTHING, but
nowadays he's "mostly veg".
Spawn #1: Ryan
Here is our oldest, who
talks a mile a minute. He
designs his own games and
plays games, just like his
father. He is saving all his
allowance for a Lego Death
Star. He is a fan of Sponge-
Bob, iCarly, Pokemon, Alton
Brown, Iron Chef America,
and Survivor. He enjoys
sports and video games.
Spawn #2: AJ, 5 3/4
is now often our easiest
child, happily building with
Legos, blocks or playdough
or drawing comic books
for hours. He will always
tell you his favourite food is
tofu, and he likes to try
spicy foods when he's not
being a picky eater. He
wants to be "a baker and an
artist" when he grows up.
Spawn #3: Nate the Great, 3
dude who you can't help
but like. He will argue with
AJ that he will be the baker.
His favourite phrase: "I'm
sooooo hungry!" He has
always loved artichoke
hearts and broccoli, among
other less typical "kid foods".
He loves going to the farm
and wandering the fields,
picking things as he goes.
Spawn #4: Maia, 1
3 big boys, Maia is a tiny
little thing. She totes
around a blue bear that's
missing most of the stuffing
in its head, and a hard Jessie
doll from Toy Story 2. She
is totally a Dada's Girl, and
would like to be superglued
to him 24/7. She loves coconut yogurt and chana masala.
Oh my gosh where did you get Hello Kitty footie jams?!?! Those are amazing!
I am supremely jealous that you were married at the Star Trek Experience. I will never get married now that it is closed :P
The pjs were actually a surprise gift from a friend a few weeks ago. I have a regular pair with a different HK print that one of my sister's gave me. Seriously, when all else fails, I will never be disappointed by HK gifts!
Yeah, we are totally bummed about it closing too. I am cautiously optimistic that some other Star Trek attraction will open after the new movie was such a success. Crossing fingers. We want someplace cool to renew our vows on our 25th!
Your jammies are way awesome! How romantic to have met your husband in Paris! You have two potential bakers or chefs in the family - you shall never be without yummy goodies when they grow up! :-)
Your pj's are just too cute!
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