Just a note: Don't confuse her with Feeding Little Vegans, which is very much legit.
Anyhow, I hope the author can get some help--she needs it. At least I don't have to compete with someone feigning to be 'the perfect parent' anymore, LOL. And in the spirit of the season--and to always try to find the good in the bad--I am going to participate in something that the REAL triplets family is doing called "Cans for Comments".
It's simple. For each comment I receive on this post, I will donate one canned good to charity before the end of the year. We already belong to a CSA that donates over 10K per year in excess organic produce to local shelters and food banks, plus I always participate in the spring USPS food drive, AND we just donated over 3K this summer from my husband's business to the Boston Boys & Girls Club. But there are always more people in need. We may struggle financially at times being self-employed, but it is nothing compared to the desperation of some families with children during the holidays and winter months. No matter how many comments I get, I'll make it happen!!
And hey, if you happen to know me IRL, feel free to mention it in your comment. I want to make sure everyone knows I am most definitely an "honest" blogger, LOL.
And because I try to never leave a post without a picture...and because the internet audience seems to be gaga over little baby pictures...here are each of my vegan babies at birth...
1 - Ryan, 8lbs.4oz.
Yes, Ryan and Nate
weighed exactly the
same despite Ryan
being born at 40w3d
and Nate being born
at 37w.
3 - Nate, 8lbs4oz.

And of course our
youngest and only
girl, our little spoiled
princess, daddy's
girl extraordinaire...
4 - Maia, 7lbs.7oz.
Glad that something good came out of the whole mess. :) Sweet babies, too. Thanks for posting this.
Unbelievable. Hard to understand someone's motivation for something like that . . . . On a positive note, however, I think it's wonderful that you participate so much in giving food to the hungry. We also give every spring when the USPS has their annual food drive - have for years. I hope that I have instilled the importance of giving and sharing in my daughter so that one day she cares as much to do the same.
Those are some big, beautiful babies! I weighed more than 9 lbs. at birth, but I'm hoping my baby will be a tad bit smaller. Not too much smaller, just a little! :) Thank you so much for helping those in need during the holidays. I feel honored to be a small part of that!
Glad you are donating food. I hope everyone reading your blog (who can afford it), will donate healthy, non perishable food to their local food pantry.
And yes, I know Krista in person. As a matter of fact, want to come over soon and have the kids make Christmas/Solstice cards? My son has been wanting to stamp, stamp, stamp!
Thanks for that little extra note concerning my blog. I have actually had several rather abusive comments from people who are confusing my blog with that fake one.
Wow, that's so sad. Good for you for finding the good in the bad!
I also know Krista, and it's a shame people would think she's not on the up and up.
We donate every year to the Scouting for Food Drive put on every year by the Boy Scouts. This year our troop collected over 3000 cans of food that were donated to our local food pantry. It's good to see other ways that people also share food with those in need...
Brilliant idea to turn a negative thing into something great :) It really sucks that people do things like that... I wonder what on earth was going thru their minds while they lied to the world that way :(
I know you!!!!
So weird. That is a really bizarre thing to lie about!
Anyways, this is cool you're donating food, Krista. Thanks!
How weird about the fake blog?!
Your babies are so precious. And you are so generous and thoughtful for donating to those in need.
I know you too! 100% legit, so sad that other people aren't. You are awesome for changing a negative into a positive. (((hugs)))
What an odd thing to fake!
Can you donate a can of black beans for me? They're Lucas's favorite canned item.
OMG! I can't believe that it was a FAKE!!!
Who would do that??
I'm off to check out Pyjammy's blog :)
What a great idea to donate food! Your babies are sooo gorgeous!!
Some people do strange things...
Well, it is not really a comment on this post, but I often wonder what you eat for breakfast in your household. I have a vision of you eating the leftovers from the bentos...
I'm commenting for cans! :)
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