Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Before the tomatoes ripen! (Please please PLEASE let the tomato crop do well this year!) It's farm pickup this afternoon, and I'm anticipating the first significant tomatoes. I had a salad for breakfast using an entire store-bought tomato in order to clean the counters, fruit bowl, fridge for whatever we might be bringing home. (Yes, I do refrigerate tomatoes only if they're very ripe...don't want to feed the fruit fly population any more than necessary.)

So back to the end of the school year...

AJ created scrapbook pages for his kindergarten teacher, and really wanted to give her a hand-decorated mug (as cliche as it sounds, but he did a really wonderful job and I know it's something I would have loved back when I was a teacher). We filled it with zucchini brownies with a copy of the recipe.
Maia joined Nate for his end of preschool ice cream party (we brought our own vegan equivalents of course), and Nate made cards to attach to the banana-apple-strawberry muffins he helped make with strawberries from the farm.

Nate was excited to
use his bubble blower
from his teacher, and
he spent weeks looking
at his big portfolio of
artwork and photos
from his second year
at preschool.

Then a couple of days
later was a final family
picnic where the kids
got their faces painted (except for AJ, he was at a birthday party where he got a cool hat). Nate had a dragon on his cheek, but wouldn't cooperate for a picture...typical 3 year old.


Ryan had three
teachers to make
gifts for, so he
just made cards
with recipes to go
with baggies of

Ryan's last lunch of the school year included some of his most favourite items: farm strawberries; leftover Gianni's spinach, mushroom & black olive pizza; zucchini brownie.

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