house: vegetable fried rice;
honeydew melon flowers;
sesame tofu; mini banana
blueberry muffin.
And then there are always
snacks to be made...
more mini banana blue-
slices; baby carrots.
My muffin and cupcake
stashes have been running
low lately. Probably due to
the raw food eating plan.
I need to get baking! I can't
wait 'til next week!
This was our very last potato from the farm. But I was impressed at what a deep purple colour it had. Not bad for a local potato!
Me, yesterday:
7:30am- apples slices w/almond butter.
9am- flax crackers.
11am- smoothie: 1 banana, 1/2 cup frozen mango, 3 frozen strawberries, 1/4 cup ground almonds & hazelnuts, liquid DHA, water.
2pm- 1 avocado.
4:30pm- dried zucchini chips.
8pm- Raw Revolution chocolate coconut bar.
zucchini chips yesterday after
reading about it on someone's
blog...but now I can't remember
whose! Sorry! I made three
varieties: garlic, kelp, and Old
Bay. LOL. And wouldn't you
know it, Ryan hated them, and
AJ loved them...the total
opposite of our norm.
thanks for your comment on the weather! It is spooky! But today was beautiful. Love the honeydew flowers, yum!
A lot of us made fried rice this week! Awesome!
Yeah, I kind of peter out of creative energy by the end of my husband's trips. Well, that and I run out of groceries!
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