This was my first attempt at chibi, or a cartoon/anime bento. I ran out of time in the morning with children & husband yelling that it was time to go, so I didn't have time to add the nori title. But many might recognize Calvin from the cartoon Calvin & Hobbes.

asparagus; Veggie
Booty; baked tofu;
grilled cheeze
We already had leftovers
to add to lunches after
an early Thanksgiving
celebration at my sister-in-law's new inn.

AJ and his class made
vegetable-print vests
and clay necklaces for
their harvest feast at
After school Dada took
Ryan, AJ & Maia to visit
their aunt, cousins, grandma
& 97 year old great
Thanksgiving Day:

We did a "dessert dinner"
of pumpkin creme pie,
baked apples, and vanilla
soy ice cream.

of Wing-It Vegan! She
tagged my blog for a
Butterfly Award!
Now it is up to me to
pass on the award to
10 more blogs of my
choosing. I liked River's
"veggie moms" theme.
I am going to deviate
from the expected food
blogs and choose 10 of my favourite parenting/parent-authored blogs, some food-related, most not. I am not concerned with whether or not these blogs have been awarded in the past--these are my picks. Enjoy!
These bloggers can post the Butterfly Award picture on their blog and give the award to 10 bloggers they think are the coolest!
These bloggers can post the Butterfly Award picture on their blog and give the award to 10 bloggers they think are the coolest!
The Calvin lunch has left me speechless! You have the luckiest little kiddos!
Your sister in law's inn is so gorgeous! I've always thought it would be nice to have an inn, but I'm sure I'm not considering all the work that comes with it!
What a delicious Thanksgiving feast, and I love the idea of a dessert dinner!
Wonderful nori Calvin!
River, I'll tell her you said so! They're working very hard to make it as "green" as possible, and offer as much organic & local food as possible in their breakfast offerings...which I'm sure they'd make vegan by request, bouncing stuff off me as necessary. Likewise with their other inn in Newport, RI.
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