old already! She
loves when Dada
carries her. She
especially loves
the Bjorn right
now because she
can teethe on it.

to go until the 6
month old mark!
AJ keeps talking
about when she'll
be able to try her
first food next

AJ's snack:
wheat flax crackers;
spinach; grapes.
No school tuesday -- Veteran's Day. We explained to Ryan about how Dada used to be in the Army, and how both his grandfathers served in the Army and Navy.

AJ's snack:
edamame; grapes;
broccoli; vegetable

My snack: grapes;
vegetable crackers;
cashew-tofu "cheese".

AJ's snack & Nate's lunch:
1/2 bagel sandwiches;
carrots; grapes; chips.


Your baby is beautiful!
What a cute little baby!
That cashew-tofu "cheese" looks really good. How do you make it?
twoveganboys - Thanks! I'm biased, but I agree. :-)
Your boys are pretty darned cute too!!
maida - Check out The Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook...lots of vegan cheese recipes. I used a 1/2 recipe of the muester cheese, set in silicon baking cups to make cool single servings.
where do you find your vegan gel cups? those are awesome!
I want to know about the gel cups, too! I've found some at Whole Foods, but they're big cups. I'd love to find little ones like that.
The gel cups are from a local Korean grocer. I wish I could find some that are fruit sweetened/colored, but at least these aren't made with gelatin.
Maia is so precious! She has so much personality in those adorable little eyes!
Your lunches are so fun, the one with the Pokemon thingie is out of this world!
I had a feeling you were going to point me in the direction of the Uncheese book! :)
I've made a few recipes from that book and have not have much success. I'll give it another try, though. Thanks!
maida - yeah, the Uncheese recipes can be tricky. Definitely make sure you're agar isn't a few years old (I made that mistake once), use the asceptic packed silken tofu, not the water-packed, and follow measurements & cooking times exactly. And get it poured into a mold quickly because the stuff sets fast if you've done it right!
river - Thanks, Maia does have quite a personality and is very "talkative".
I love reading your blog. I especially like the photos of the snack and lunch boxes that you make. I really admire that you can do this with a small baby!
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