snack bento over the
holiday school break,
for a playdate that Ryan
had at a friend's house.
Just some pumpkin nut
bread, carrots, and meat-
less meatballs.
Despite the weather, we had many opportunities to get outside and hike...although hiking with the boys can be more like cross-country running, or snowboarding without the board, or snowball dodging snowy-tree-shaking see-who-can-get-there-first races.
place for exploring the
outdoors, an old building,
or a creepy graveyard.
But it can be colllldddd!
My kitchen is continuously
strewn with wet snowpants
and outdoor clothing,
enough for 6 people of
course. I need a separate
room with a big heater!
And stone walls are pretty
sturdy in the winter, the
large rocks frozen into
place. What better place
for a quick rest?
That door is so cool! Where is it?
I can show you sometime...only a few miles north of me, but not often noticed from the road as the door is in the rear.
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