Thursday, May 14, 2009


Windy & rainy today, so another quick indoor photo, blech! What're ya gonna do?!
Ryan's lunch: Dr. Praeger's veggie pockets; steamed asparagus; licorice comfits & a chocolate button; sesame tofu; marinated mushrooms; soy cheese; veggie crackers.

AJ's snack was pretty
much the same, but

And Nate's lunch had
extra mushrooms because
he loves them so much.

Nate climbed the high
straight ladder at the
preschool playground
by himself for the first
time today. He also got
out his lunch and got it
ready himself. He was
quite proud.

And Maia thought playing
with a roll of toilet paper
was great fun this morning.
Household "toys" are
always the best.


delilah s. dawson said...

Is it just me, or is Dr. Praeger's some weird veggie stuff? The first of his veggie burgers I tried was tossed in the trash. I was so hungry when I ate the second one that it tasted better, but still not delicious.

What's the deal with him, and what are these veggie pockets?

veganf said...

Yeah, Dr. Praeger's stuff is weird...but it is made from whole foods and healthy fats. My husband likes the stuff, especially their bombay veggie burgers. I don't mind any of the burgers done up with all the fixins. I like the tex mex flavour best.

The veggie pockets are new, basically the california burgers, breaded so they don't fall apart like the regular ones do...basically finger friendly food. Still gotta have a dipping sauce or fixins IMO!