first beans from the
pole beans he planted
at preschool in the

Dinner included this
miso tofu from Vegan
Yum Yum, minus the
liquid smoke flavour.
The kids and I really
enjoyed it.

I also roasted some
turnips, summer
squash, & eggplant
in the oven. Steamed
broccoli & watermelon
slices completed the

simple these days when
Dada is at work. Lunch:
mini pumpkin muffin;
fresh pineapple chunks;
cold tofu w/soy sauce;
udon noodles with green
beans; Animal Parade
calcium vitamin.

For the grownup:
spicy vegetable satay
over udon noodles;
pineapple chunks.

CSA farm pick-up day:
- 1 head lettuce
- 3 bell peppers
- 1 hot pepper
- 1 bunch scallions
- 1 lb. carrots
- 4 cucumbers + 3 from the seconds table
- 2 eggplants
- 1 giant pattypan squash
- 2 zucchini
- 1 pint orange cherry tomatoes

- 1 quart blueberries
We saved most of the
pick-your-own items
until later in the week.
Here's AJ showing off
the pattypan squash he
chose because it looked
like a big "star".

Ryan munched on a
cucumber on the way
home. He managed to
eat half of it, then saved
the rest for the next day.
Dinner: tofu spinach

ricotta stuffed pasta
This another family
favourite at our house.
I really need to make
a bigger batch because
they disappear so

a salad accompanied
the stuffed shells.


for pick-your-own:
- bouquets of flowers
- string beans
- swiss chard
- a huge bag of basil
for pesto
And from the farmer's
market: bread, tomatoes, popcorn, corn on the cob.
Later in the day my MIL cam to visit the new baby. She brought us more corn, green & yellow beans, & lettuce from her boyfriend's garden in upstate NY.

I never found time for
my usual friday blog post
because it was Nate's
2nd birthday! He opened
presents in the morning.
In the evening relatives
came over for a party.
One of his favourite gifts
was this book Food For

I didn't want to break the
bank feeding everyone,
nor did I have a lot of time
to spend cooking. So we
served chips & dips and
watermelon, and then had
a pasta bar & garlic bread;
I figured pasta wouldn't
be rejected by any of the
kids. So I made 3 kinds of
pasta and 3 sauces: a red sauce with Nate's meatless meatballs, a mushroom sauce with red wine, and a pesto with all that basil from the farm.

Happy Bday to Nate!! And OMG! Love the cupcake frosting...how did you do it? Just made Isa's Tiramisu cupcakes this morning for the adults at a 3 yr old birthday party this afternoon. YumO! Had the Vegan Yum Yum Miso Tofu sandwiches this week, too. Another YUM!
The frosting I colored separately in 4 bowls, then filled the frosting piper with a few tablespoonfuls of each color repeatedly. So it sort of flowed together in a rainbow tie dye pattern as it came out. It was a successful experiment!
Wow! Has it really been two years already since Nate was born?? I can't believe how fast time goes by until I am reminded of something that seems like yesterday but wasn't. Happy belated birthday to Nate (and happy birthday to the newest, Little Maya, whose birthday is only two days after my own!).
Melissa (Dragonfly on VP) :o)
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